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  • What's the current status of my board?
    You can check my status board for updates at any time!
  • Do you do local dropoff/pickup?
    Unfortunately no, due to COVID-19/privacy concerns.
  • Can you lube my stabs for free without a build?
    No, see Stabilizer Lubing Only in my service page.
  • Can you desolder my build for free without rebuilding?
  • Can I buy stabs/switches from you?
    No, I do not currently have these materials on hand. However, you may request for me to purchase these and reimburse me for the costs afterwards.
  • Can I send you a broken PCB to fix/can you repair my keyboard?
    No, I am not comfortable providing this service at this time.
  • Do you offer millmaxing services?
    Not at this time. Keep tabs on my Discord and my website for any limited openings I may release.
  • Can you build me an ISO/other layout board?
    Yes, please specify your layout in your build form.
  • Can you do a build without a case?
  • Can you order my keyboard parts for me?
    Except for stabilizers and switches, I cannot order parts on clients' behalf (see Terms).
  • Can I pay using Venmo/Zelle/PayPal F&F?
    No, unsecure payment methods are not accepted at this time.
  • Can I add a tip?
    Yes! Your final invoice will ask if you would like to include one.
  • Do you accept international commissions?
    Yes, keep in mind that shipping costs will be expensive and they are to be covered by the client. I will declare all items at their retail value.
  • Can you source parts for me/Can I have parts shipped to you to save on shipping?
    No, I unfortunately cannot have items shipped directly to me from vendors/aftermarket sellers due to liability. If you need stabilizers/switches sourced, I am able to buy those for you on your behalf.
  • Can I change my shipping address?
    Yes, please contact me ASAP. If your final invoice has been created, it is likely that I am unable to change your shipping address as I have already generated a label by then.


For any questions or inquiries, please email me at

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